Saturday, June 16, 2007

Saturday Ride June 16th

I rode with the Team McAllen elite group this morning and all I can say is “Elite my ass.”

I know, those are fighting words but hear me out before you start swinging. First off what makes a team or rider elite? There are a lot of factors but basically it means an ability to function with style, strength and wisdom at a high level of performance. There was very little of that this Saturday. The elite show courage and sacrifice, there was even less off that today.

What, you might ask, prompted this post? Today what could have been a nice team ride deteriorated into a suicidal free-for-all in a matter of minutes. The pace picked up on the military highway and instead of doubling up the paceline most of the riders tried grabbing a wheel just in front of them. There were enough riders the line stretched from the weeds to the yellow line. The guy coming off the front was going to have to ride in the on coming traffic and there was no room for following traffic to come around. If you can’t see the danger in this situation please stay home or ride by yourself.

The offer was made to start a second paceline. Repeatedly the offer was made. The second paceline was going just as fast as the first but instead of forming up, most of the “elite” riders were using the second paceline to bridge up to the first paceline. That might make sense at the end of a race but on a Saturday training ride it is just plain stupid.

Some of the riders today were very strong, some actually capable of being elite. Too many were cowardly, afraid to go up, double up and take a pull. Do they really think that getting to the front, pulling off after five seconds, really counts as a pull? Yeah, if you are riding with the big boys it hurts. Your heart rate is going to be sky high but it isn’t the end of the world. Nobody dies from injured pride but a paceline stretched out across a busy highway has killed more than a few.

My message to the riders today, become elite. Learn to work together, to ride safe and show some class. Riding hard and stupid does not earn respect. Doing your work at the front, showing a steady wheel to the guys behind you and being willing to contribute to the team...

THAT earns respect, and once you have respect, you can become elite. Until then, try not to ride stupid. If you don’t know any better then ask someone who’s been around for awhile, it’s a lot easier than you think.


Blogger 331 Miles said...

I wasn't there, but it sounds like you're on target. I observed some of the same irresponsible behavior (but not by Team McAllen) at the Sadie Conde Ride / Race. Certain riders from a team that starts with an L and ends with 'aredo' were taking the ENTIRE road, riding against traffic. Yes, it was in the peloton. Yes, it was a race. But that's DQ activity, and it gets people killed. Hopefully those that read your comments will take them to heart.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there and it was stupid! I didn't find out how stupid until my pull on the front was finished and eased towards the back. The back was just a few feet shy of the highway centerline! On busy high speed highway that is crazy! I dropped and looked for the chase group. I am not going to be a part of that kind of madness. I got just as good a workout in a 5 rider chase group.

11:02 PM  

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