Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday Cool Down

Funny things go through your mind in the last five miles of a Saturday ride. This is the cool down time or the limp home beaten like a stray dog time. Invariably there is a little headwind and and enough chip seal to remind you that your saddle may be many things but soft is not one of them. Those of you who don't ride should know that the Saturday ride is the leave it all on the road ride, the weekly test of whether you have "IT" or not.

Today I marveled at the adhesive quality of SPF 50. The entomology lab would love to have the bug collection held tight to my body. They would have to sort the bugs from the grit but then, that is their job. after this little wonder of life lost it’s charm I started thinking of things I had seen in the last few days of riding.

Pickup trucks. Yes, I see a few down here in way south Texas. Last Thursday evening I was in the bike lane waiting for the light to change. Some yahoo in a big ass 4x4 couldn’t wait to turn right and put two wheels on the sidewalk to turn right on red. Today, out in the boonies two pickups passed us. This was nothing out of the ordinary
except for the little bit of excessive speed. We figure they were going a little over 100 mph.

Red light racers. Thursday evening once again. I stopped for a red light at the freeway underpass on Shary Road. Some cat in a Guatemala Nation Jersey (for real!) came up to me at the light, looked both ways and ran the light. I waited for the light while he went under the highway and ran the red light on the other side. He got a good jump on me and a mile or so down the road he added to his lead by running yet another red light. Boy he whipped my butt good...

Lastly, one of the guys answered a call on his cell phone this morning. Sometimes this is just a real uncool thing to do but it is watermelon season and the watermelon man has to squeeze in an hour before work. Sometimes work can’t be ignored and he did pull out of the paceline before answering the phone. It seems a buddy of his was headed north on 281 (A four lane divided highway connecting the valley to San Antonio) and wondered who were the fools taking up a traffic lane with their bikes and a van. It wasn’t us we assured him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that is the same "cat" with the Guatemala jersey that I rode with Sunday he probably could whip your but without running the red lights. That guy can motor!

11:26 AM  

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