Tuesday, October 31, 2006

New Horizons

I have decided to change the direction of this Blog a tad. Originally I set out to write about cycling in South Texas. Regardless of the thousands of miles I put in riding down here, there is just too much going on in the world of cycling to be so geographically limited. Why this sea change? Another road trip.

My wife and I had to go to Dallas for business. This time I made time to join a friend for a bike ride, something we have been threatening to do for years. Eli hasn't been cycling all that long but has a natural grace and athleticism on the bike and is in much better shape that he lets on. His brother Joe was supposed to join us but had to work, bike tires ain't cheap.

Here is where the concept of cyclists being a family applies. Eli had never ridden with me before and Joe had never set eyes on me. Joe was kind enough to loan me his bike, a nice Carbon Trek blissfully decked out with Campy Record. Eli and I rode 30 something miles around White Rock Lake, it was a beautiful day and perfect weather. That is what is so special about cycling. You can go someplace so completely different from where you live but once you're on the bike it seems as if you belong there. I behaved myself for the most part. I chased down a couple of riders to ask about their bikes or to stretch my legs. There was a guy on the last hill before home. He passed us without saying anything on the flat before the climb. Those of you who ride with me know how much I hate uncivil behavior. Eli told be to go, go, GO! (Eli is a gravity boy) So I spun up the hill and zipped past the rudie. But, since this is the world of cycling, I waited and told him how pretty his bright blue Salsa was.

It is so easy to find a ride just about anywhere. Go on line and ask local bike clubs if they have a ride scheduled. Sometimes there will even be someone who is willing to play guide for you. Bikes can be rented or borrowed. A perfect fit isn't necessary, close works pretty good. I have had just as much fun on a cruiser riding into town for coffee as I've had on a hard race, maybe even more.

Don't wear a groove into the asphalt, go find a new friend on a different road. Just remember to be polite and say hello as you ride by people. They might pass you later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice story. i always try to say hi to the ladies.. teehee!!

2:49 PM  

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